Baahubali was a very intriguing movie indeed and the people who watched it did witness a quality time of visual effects for the first time in Indian cinema history.
But, little do we know how much hard work and brain power work was required to successfully accomplish this. So, here are some of the behind scenes of one of the best visual effect scenes from the movie Baahubali.
1. The cliff jump scene
Baahubali jumps from one higher altitude cliff to another where Tamanna is standing at a relatively lower altitude cliff.
2. The same scene in a different angle
Baahubali Prabhas nearly reaching the lower altitude cliff where Tamanna is seen standing. This scene is shot from a different angle
3. How the rocks change so beautifully.
4. Prabhaas climbing rocks amidst waterfalls
5. At the highest point of the peak
6. Prabhaas swinging over water through a tree branch
7. Prabhaas cutting through the branches in a fall
8. The suspended branch climbing scene
9. Prabhaas slipping down the waterfalls
10. Prabhas shoots an arrow reversely suspended in the air
The best scene from the movie which was shot in just one take.
11. And the one of the freefalls
Top 11 Scenes In Baahubali That Were Done Using Visual Effects
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